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重点一 发布2015-16 NSW 190 优先技能职业列表。 列表详情如下:(州政府官方信息)
1 2 3 4

点评: 1. 与移民局最新公布的SOL保持了一致,会计、IT类等热门职业全部得到保留。

2. 此次NSW州担保技能职业列表强调了“Priority”一词,为另一新政策做了铺垫,究竟是什么呢?请让 我们一一道来。


重点二: 2015-16年度,NSW 190 州担保名额与上一财年持平:4000个名额

州政府官网原文: We anticipate nominating another 4,000 skilled candidates for the 190 visa in 2015-16.

点评: 4000个名额,相对很多独立技术移民职业仅仅1000个名额来说,还是值得关注的。


重点三: 自2015年07月起,NSW 190 州担保职业要求,区分为两个类别: 类别1,2015-16 NSW 190 优先技能职业列表上的职业; 类别2,移民局公布的CSOL上的职业(拥有很高移民分,并且名额有限);

州政府官网原文: The highest ranking candidates in occupations on the NSW 190 Priority Skilled Occupation List (NSW 190 List) will be invited first. Throughout the 2015-16 financial year NSW will also select and invite a limited number of very highly scoring skilled candidates in occupations from the broader DIBP CSOL.*  Selection under this stream will be determined on an ongoing basis and limited to occupations where there is labour market demand. NSW will not be inviting candidates in the following CSOL occupations : Primary School Teacher (241213), Retail Pharmacist (251513), Architectural Draftsperson (312111), Industrial Pharmacist (251512), Hospital Pharmacist (251511) and Architect (232111). NSW cannot provide an indication of the likelihood of invitation under either of these streams.

点评: 1. NSW州政府实行“择优制”,无论职业在哪个列表上,都是移民分越高,越有优先权。 2. 打破职业限制,但拥有高分(语言能力高超、工作经验丰富),无论是否移民职业,同样可以申请。(CSOL职业列表请查阅澳大利亚移民局官方网站WWW.BORDER.GOV.AU)


重点四:The selection process (NSW 190 州担保择优规则): 1. 职业 2. 移民分 3. 英语语言能力 4. 工作经验

州政府官网原文: The selection process is competitive. Candidates are selected and ranked in the following order: 1 Occupation 2 Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) points score 3 English language ability4 Skilled employment Where candidates have the same ranking on these criteria at the time of selection, they will be further ranked based on the date and time that their points claims were last updated in SkillSelect.

点评: 依据以上顺序 首先,NSW州政府优先职业列表的职业优先; 次之,按移民分高低排序; 再次,同等分数,先比较英语语言能力高低; 最后,再比较工作经验的有无和长短; 高移民分,依然是克服语言和工作经验的关键(如何获得高分,欢迎咨询新诺亚专业顾问) 重点五: NSW 190 州担保申请基本条件: 1. 满足NSW的职业要求(同时通过职业评估机构的审核); 2. 移民分达到最低60分(去除州政府的5分加分,基本分55分即可); 3. 通过NSW的选择,并获得申请NSW担保的邀请; 4. 在获得NSW担保邀请后14天内,完成递交申请; 5. 在获得190签证后的第一个2年,确保在NSW工作与生活。

州政府官网原文: To be considered for NSW selection, candidates must meet minimum eligibility requirements including: 1. Meet NSW occupation requirements. 2. Score a minimum of at least 60 points on the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) points test and meet relevant DIBP visa criteria. 3. Have been selected by NSW and received an invitation to apply for NSW nomination. 4. Submit a complete and accurate application for NSW nomination within 14 days of being invited to apply. 5. Commit to living and working in NSW for at least the first two years after being granted the 190 visa.

点评: NSW 190 州担保的申请,拥有完整的流程,建议寻找经验丰富的移民服务机构协助办理为妥。




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